CVOR & NSC Podcast
CVOR & NSC Podcast: Keeping Your Trucking Business on the Road.
Stay compliant and improve safety in the trucking industry with the CVOR Podcast, hosted by Chris Harris, the Safety Dawg.
This podcast dives deep into CVOR (Commercial Vehicle Operator's Registry) regulations in Ontario, Canada, and the National Safety Code (NSC) to ensure you operate legally and safely.
Whether you're a trucking company, landscaper, plumber, electrician, or run a towing company, the CVOR & NSC Podcast keeps you informed on the latest compliance requirements and safety best practices to keep your business running smoothly.
CVOR & NSC Podcast
Does My Pickup Need A CVOR?
CVOR Practice Test Course: https://safetydawg.com/CVORPracticeTest
Check out CVOR.ca and see what is on special this month, cvor.ca
If you already have your CVOR and need help in understanding the Level 2 Report,
Get your copy of the CVOR Cheat Sheet.
Send me an email, Chris@CVOR.ca
Keeping it Safety Dawg Simple!
#trucksafety #truckinsurance #truckpodcast
FleetComplete's article:
MTO: https://files.ontario.ca/mto-commercial-vehicle-operators-safety-manual-en-2022-03-17.pdf
Exemptions, Operators with certain types of vehicles do not need a CVOR certificate. These vehicles include:
▪ A truck or bus that is plated in another Canadian jurisdiction
▪ A truck, other than a tow truck, with a registered gross weight (RGW) and a gross weight of 4,500 kilograms or less, whether towing a trailer or not (see Determining RGW)
▪ A truck or bus leased by an individual for 30 days or less to move their personal goods, or to carry passengers at no fare
▪ An ambulance, fire apparatus, hearse, casket wagon
▪ An unladen truck or bus operating under the authority of a dealer plate or service plate
Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration – February 2022 38
▪ A bus used for personal purposes without compensation
▪ A motor home used for personal purposes
▪ A pickup truck used for personal purposes (for more information on personal use pickup-truck exemptions, refer to: www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/trucks/commercial- vehicle-faq.shtml#a15
Welcome to the CVOR podcast. This podcast has made for those a CVOR operators, such as landscapers, electricians, towing, operations, bus companies, trucking companies, anyone who has a CVOR wants to know everything that there is to know about operating a CVOR company. I'm your host, Chris Harris. Thanks for joining me every week. Does my pickup truck need a CVOR? Do I have to do a vehicle inspection every day? Do I need a log book, these questions, and more answered in this episode of the CVOR podcast. Welcome. I'm going to put a couple of links into the show notes down below, cause there's some great material on the internet for you by friends over at fleet complete specifically mark Moen sale did a great job of outlining this and I will put a link to Mark's article down below it's a, the blog dot fleet, complete.com. So that will be down in the show notes. Do you need a view when you are operating a pickup truck for personal use? Well, first of all, the answer is maybe, okay. I know generally speaking vehicles that are, have a register, gross weight or combined gross weight when you're towing your trailer and all that kind of stuff of more than 4,500 kg, you need to see if you are. However, if you are driving a pickup truck, there are some useful exemptions that you can get up to 6,500 kg and not need a CVOR. What are those exemptions? Well, the first one is that a has to be personal use. So personal use, what is personal use generally defined as without compensation? The second criteria that you're going to hear often throat all, all of this, because I'm going to ask answer. Some commonly asked questions is that the pickup truck, the bed of the pickup truck has to be the same as the mayor facture installed it. So if it's Ford, GM or Dodge, it has to be their pickup truck bed at the back without modification, or it has to be the same as the original. For instance, if your truck was involved in a crash and you replaced it, of course now it's not the original, but it's the same as the original again, without modification. So specifically MTO says it like this. You can have a manufactured gross vehicle, weight rating. That's a G V w I've 6,500 kg or less. You gotta be fitted with either the original unmodified, a box that was installed by the manufacturer or an unmodified replacement box that duplicates the one installed by the manufacturer. So those are the exceptions to the 4,500 kg rule. Let's ask some questions. Now does my pickup truck and trailer require annual inspections or set another way? Does it require yellow stickers? So the answer for that one annual inspections are required or yellow stickers are required. If the registered gross weight of the pickup truck exceeds 4,500 kg or the actual or combined gross weight is 4,500 kg. However, if it's falls under your personal use. So pickup trucks with a GVWR that's gross vehicle, weight rating of 6,500 kg or less, and the pickup truck is fitted with the original box. As I previously stated, and the pickup truck is being used for personal use without compensation. And last, last day end here and neither the pickup truck nor the trailer is carrying, carrying commercial tools or cargo or equipment of the type normally used for commercial purposes. So there can't be a commercial use here, even if you're not getting paid, supposedly you can't have commercial tools. So if it's 6,500 kg and less, and it's truly personal use, then you don't need a yellow sticker. You don't need annual inspections. Second question. My pickup truck has a manufacturer gross weight of greater than 6,500 kg. Can I still claim their personal use exemption in the short answer to that one is no. If it's more than 6,500 kg, there is no personal use exemption. I have a modified pickup truck and remove the original box provided by the manufacturer. Well, the answer to that question is no, because you've now modified the box. As I stated, quite clearly, the MTO says it has to be the original box or an unmodified unmodified original box, or the same as the original box if it was a replacement. So pretty simple on that one. Another great question is the equipment mounted inside. So this is inside the box is equipment mounted inside the box, the bed of the pickup truck, for example, a fifth wheel for a gooseneck RV is that considered modification preventing me from being able to claim the personal use exemption. And the answer to that is no. If you meet all the other criteria. So the other criteria, meaning that it's less than 6,500 kg, you're doing this without compensation. The rest of the box is unmodified and there's no tools or equipment generally used for commercial purposes. Well then it is truly being used as a personal use vehicle. And you would, you haven't modified the box and it's inside of the box. What if you use your commercial pickup truck sometimes for commercial work such as during the week and then on the weekends, it's a personal use vehicle. Does it require an annual or a yellow sticker? Well, here's what it is while the pickup truck is being used for commercial purposes. If it meets any of the following criteria, it requires an annual inspection and a yellow sticker. So the first criteria is, does it exceed 4,500 kg? If it does, you need the annual gross weight and the combination with the trailer, if it's over 4,500 kg and of course, the GVWR or, and the trailer have a registered gross weight of more than 4,500 kg. If the carrier, if the motor carrier uses the same pickup to tow a personal use of trailer on the weekend, the pickup truck will have to display the annual sticker. All right, so you can't move these vehicles between personal use and commercial use. Once it is being used, commercially, you are held to all the other rules of commercial motor vehicles. So if it's over 4,500 kg, you need the annual sticker. You're going to need to do a vehicle inspection. Every time you go to drive it, you are subject to the hours of service, rules and regulations like, all right, it's a per it's a commercial vehicle. Another great question. In what circumstance, if any, is a pickup truck exempt from the requirements to have a valid CVOR certificate. And again, if it's under 6,500 kg being used for personal purposes, no commercial equipment and the box is unmodified. Well, then that is truly personal use. And you don't need a CPR certificate in what circumstance, if any, is a pick-up truck driver exempt from the requirements to complete a vehicle inspection. Again, here, if it is a personal use, not part-time personal use, a hundred percent personal use you. In other words, you can't use the truck during the week for commercial purposes. And then on the weekend say, oh, I'm exempt. No, it doesn't work that way. It has to be being used all the time for personal use without compensation. The box has to be on modified and you can't exceed the 6,500 kg limit, whether it's just the truck or the trucking and trailer combo, you can't exceed that. All right. In what circumstance, if any, is a pickup truck driver exempt from the requirements to complete a daily log. And again, if you meet all of the criteria for personal use, you don't have to complete a daily log. If you use the pickup truck at any time for commercial as a commercial vehicle, then you don't meet the exemption for personal use and you would have to complete your daily log. All right. So that's, it does by a pickup truck need a CVOR, or do you need an annual sticker? And do you, or are you exempt from the hours of service or the daily vehicle inspection? I hope I've answered those questions for you. If you've got another great question, please email me, Chris, at CVOR. Dotsie, I'd love to answer your questions and that's it for this week. Have a great week. And this week's a CV or a test prep. The question the CVOR system automatically identifies operators for review when poor safety performance is identified based on the operator's overall violation rate, is this true or false? The CBR system automatically identifies the operator for review. When the poor safety performance is identified based on the operators' overall violation rate, that is TRUE, true would be the answer to that. Hey, thanks for sticking with us. This is the CVOR podcast. We talk about everything. See if you are related, if you're getting value, please click a like and subscribe. And don't forget about our contest. Leave me a comment. And if I choose your suggestion for content on another episode, I will be thankful and give you a access to the CVOR driver file course. All right. So leave me a comment with suggestions for topics. All right. That's it for this week's safety dog and the CVOR podcast is out.